
8. februar 2007

Mark Steyn, a remarkable personality

Mark Steyn:

Described as “an idiot of the week” and characterized by “arrogance of no bounds”: 

Substantial supplements:



Preparation of Terror in Balkan


Dr. Shaul Shay holds the rank of Colonel in the Israeili Army. He is a graduate of the Israeli National Defense College and completed both MA and PhD at Bar Ilan University in Political Science – International Affairs. Dr. Shay is a lecturer at Bar Ilan University, senior research fellow of the International Policy Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzilya and heads the Department of Military History of the IDF.

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Dr. Shaul Shay is really controversial in his view: 

“Shay believes that it is, “Incorrect to analyze the war in the Balkans [Bosnia and Kosovo] as the war between Christianity and Islam. The conflict was based on political and humanitarian ground. The western support was significant in protecting Muslims in both wars, mainly in Kosovo.” Shay claims that, the West intervened to prevent, “ethnic cleansing and crimes against the Muslims. I am afraid that people at that time,” continues Shay, “ did not take into consideration a long-term consequence of the emergence of these Islamic terror infrastructures in the Balkans….”

Read more about it on: http://www.serbianna.com/columns/borojevic/049.shtml


Will Europe be Darkened

Advarende artikler om udviklingen


I følge: http://www.serbianna.com/columns/borojevic/049.shtml

“Krigen i det tidligere Jugoslavien sluttede for otte år siden, men illegal våbenhandel og træning af islamiske terrorister fortsætter tværs over Balkan, særligt i Bosnien og Kosovo, der løbende administreres af EU / FN missioner.

Rapporter om en sådan udvikling kom også fra Gregory Copley. I hans artikel “Strong warning indicators for new surge of European Islamic terrorism“, skriver han, at “efterretningskilder på Balkan og i Mellemøsten indikerer, at iranske og Osama bin Laden terror netværk, udstyr og alliancer opbygges i Bosnien-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albanien, Makedonien, Sydserbien og andre steder på Balkan og betydeligt nyt operationsprogram forberedes.”




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