
23. maj 2006

Superior philosophy behind marketing and pedagogy in 1980s

Filed under: History — Tags: , , — Jørn @ 14:59

I can not tell about the superior reference-framework, thoughts and philosophies or psychologies behind the Danish educational system. I know too little about that.

May 19th 1996 a short feature in DR TV Avisen (the News from the Danish channel DR) told that (Flexners) amphetamines had been taken into use against Danish children and young people that do not fit into the systems in our country. It was not presented in that way.

May 26th 1996 TV 2 brought a transmission from a school class in Denmark, in which one half of the pupils had to consult the school psychologist. I have taught as I found was right, as the students wanted, and according to the responsibilities I knew or felt I had in relation to the claims of examination, and also to transform some experience to the young people. The priorities were in reality mine. A lot of courses were supplied.

I imagined that marketing- or concern-directors in Denmark and in Europe today did not have much in common with socialism-conscious pedagogues uniformed in lilac nappy as headgear in Denmark in the 1970s.

This imagination was a delusion.

Until the mid 1980s a book titled ‘Marketing’, and subtitled ‘A scientific-theoretical analysis, A humanistic alternative’ was included in the compulsory curriculum of the education HD, Marketing (a special education of economics like Master of Business Administration at the Commercial Colleges in Denmark).

The authors were Stig Ingebrichtsen and Michael Pettersson, the publisher Samfundslitteratur, Copenhagen 1979. The illustration of the book-cover has been made from a copperplate founded on the Raphael’s “The school in Athena”.This reading tries pretty coherent, but in the beginning a little hesitating, to state for different frames of reference, and to make a debate about an expanded paradigm – as it is called – to the learning of marketing in Denmark. It explains shortly or refers to different philosophical views, and the frames generally, and specifically the frames of marketing.The authors explain their paradigm or superior view on the pages 23 and 24. This is quite all right. Then we should know where we are. This view is something about “fundamental understanding of the world and the peoples or a real meta-language”. All in all they start with J. Bärmark’s method of an analysis of the works of Abraham Maslow, compare J. Bärmark’s ‘Wärldbild och vetenskabsideal. Naagra ledande temata hos Abraham Maslow’, Göteborg 1976 (rap. No. 84). They use the framework of Bärmark to analyze Maslow and his works, they choose to use his method. This is fine.The central model of Maslow to describe ‘needs’ illustrates with a pyramid physiological needs (as food, warmth and housing), at the next level safety- and social welfare-needs are placed, at the level above you find recognition- and prestigeneeds, and at the highest level in the pyramid the self-expression-needs. I wondered why my students already tried to express “need” theoretically. The model is without central importance in this connection, but in order not to create confusion just the mentioned.The authors also try to describe their own “external and internal” ethics in relation to, what they have written in the reading. Ethics is not the right word. Responsibility in relation to their colleagues, and in relation to their “world-project” is more precisely. Here I noticed one thing included in the reading, I suppose about the “external ethic”: “The responsibility consists in that what we produce here contribute to that ideal of a society (mine: internationalism), and the corresponding grounding view of human being. We have noticed the problems that may emerge in relation to the ideal of society on behalf of the global satisfaction of needs and our responsibility in this connection”.

 I do not hope the authors have sleeping-problems.

They mention that a few of their references concerns some writings that they have not quite understood.

After this I was just calm.

Now you have to understand that such a reading has been coded or characterized by what they have been coded with themselves. In this way they try the hide what they have in view, and in this way nothing are very clear to unauthorized.

We get in more than one way a review of Hegel, Wundt, Dewey, Thorndike and several other epigones of which Lewin (Gestalt-theory), Wertheimer (field-theory) and Goldstein (Holistic neurophysiology) in the experiments to manage the marketing-function optimally from above in private businesses, non-profit-organizations, state-organizations, political parties, media. Here they try with help from Bärmark to place Abraham Maslow, eventually to get his pyramid laid down on the side, as they outline in an illustration, and to get the topical (1979) marketing-paradigm moved or widened after their need in this connection to get a more existentialistic way of thinking included.Existentialism is very short connected to at group of philosophers, most speculative (or speculators if you wish), which maintain that “the existence comes before the essence” (before the thinking).

In relation to marketing: When the real existence is the continuos choice of the individual itself under a total-interpretation, the needs for anything must be interpreted as partly coordinated, and not as Maslow maintains – the authors maintain – in a hierarchy and built as a pyramid.

The world-famous Danish Soeren Kierkegaard is mentioned in a sentence by the way among these leading existentialists, overall leading among the leaders, I have to mention as a matter of form that Kierkegaard points out the paradox:”Life is lived forwards, but it is only understood backwards, and there has to be chosen under risk. Only if you are so cautious that you construct a system with the ethics in, you manage, because you then get a system, where you have everything, everything else, and have left out the only needfully”, Soeren Kierkegaard wrote in the “Phases on the Way of Life”. Especially Jean-Paul Sartre has had the interest of the Marketing-authors in relation to the mentioned Abraham Maslow.Page 77: “We support the focusing on Maslow, on the individually, on the characteristics and the individuality of the human nature, although we much more than Maslow want to take the development of the personality into an interplay with the factors of the outside world, that means institutions, structures of the society ans. The one thing is not created as a function of the other. The development takes place as a process of reciprocal action. But we agree with Maslow in that view of human being can find its philosophical basis by the existentialists, but in such a way that the inner of the human being (its self) can not be recreated entirely and all the time through the choice of the person himself”.The authors wrote.Abraham Maslow: “On the way to a psychology of existence”, Copenhagen 1976 (in the original from 1962):

“There are existential psychologists that accentuate the self-creation of the self too one-sided”…”This is naturally in its extreme form an exaggeration, that is in direct inconsistency with the theory of heredity and the constitutional facts (mine: the ruling) of the psychology. In reality it is just foolish”. “This extreme point of view is known to us primary through Sartre (for example in: J.-P. Sartre’s: “Existentialism is humanism”, Copenhagen 1968, original 1946).

“Maslow’s focusing on the interior human being must be seen as a reaction to the clear emphasis of the meaning of the environment of the behaviorists”.”Maslow has – following the authors – chosen to believe on the natural goodness or neutrality, which for Maslow means that the self-actualizing people ought to rule the country”, the authors then write at the beginning of page 77. Do not let us wander off into a lot of nonsense.You see, Maslow belongs to the so-called “Third Power”, after the existing till now, and the pure marxistic alternative.

The “Third Power”, trend or wave, they work in metaphors especially for the mystery.This is the Internationalism.

According to the pyramid of Maslow the Russian Alexander Solsjenitsyn tells in ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ that a substantial, edifying conversation or a tracking down, where you make notes all the time, can take place in one of the small, French train compartments with room for six persons – used in The Soviet Union – when twenty people had been squeezed into it. Even if your feet could not reach the floor, and you have not got anything to eat for several days.

But this was at that time, but it can not be a lie. KGB was offered all the income from the sale of the book the Western World, if it found just one error of facts in the book. They have not found any, as far as I know.Well, we can very well lay down the pyramid, if the gentlemen and the ladies in the sectors of marketing in the so-called free Western World want so.On page 105 the authors of ‘Marketing’ write:”Out of the potential alternatives it has been our intention to emphasize the existentialism as one alternative psychological movement to the “the behaviorism”, with the believe on that inspiration can be brought from the existentialism to create an alternative understanding of the human being in the marketing-theory and theory of behavior. One of the authors is working with this problem (Pettersson)” (unquote).The big jump of the theories of economics and society happens at the transition from the phase, where you can or can not explaine and foresee the behavior of the human being to the managed influence on behavior. The corresponding model of the explanation and forecasting of the human being suites the underlying so-called empirism later on positivism, which model-apparatus uses the model of causal-interpretation that needs the past to explain the presence and the future. The experience, the past and also the cause are not acknowledged, and this is perhaps quite legitimately to maintain, when models show themselves not to apply to the outside world, even if you have made an effort with all possible interpretations, especially those of the language expressed in mathematical symbols.And it is of special interest, when we for a moment concentrate our thinking a little on just another circle of subjects – which has not been discussed anywhere else:

Environment, ecology, stratosphere, menaces to the globe, effects on heath, influence of individual behavior in this connection and the correlation including the influence of businesses on the surroundings and the commissioner’s influence of behavior on the producer. Taken in a random order, which is the custom in this subjects.

In the treatment of these subjects it is fully correct to show “coherence including causality” between this and that. This is often done by using the so-called statistical, quantitative methods.They use phenomenons that can be described using numbers. I can assure the reader that two of the used methods, Regression and the Chi-test among others have been used many times to obtain the wanted coherence or the wanted causality from the model.

The methods are very fine mathematics, but when you use them, it is very easy to 1. Interpret the problem wrong, 2. To choose a nonsense-coherence or, 3. To select the wrong method, 4. To use the methods wrong, 5. Interpret the results obtained from the model wrong, 6. To make a wrong conclusion on the basis of the results of model and transmit these results to be results of the real world. Finally you can give the material to an unsuspecting, but “very understanding” journalist at a powerful medium.As you perhaps might understand, there are several possibilities and especially a lot of impossibilities. One of these is (read 1. above):

Because two phenomenons appear at the same time, there do not have to light a clear and imperative coherence between them. If for example the number of couples of storks in Denmark in the summertime has increased from 12 to 25 couples in the last two years, this is not a sure indicator of a so-called boom of babies among the Danes. This was just an clearifying example. On these stratetic subjects, the fear for the unknown, for the distant, for the unchallenged till now, for the unexamined, where refined methods of measuring often effect the observation, very much can be shown and very much can not be refused – on the other hand to prove is something else. There are plenty of current phenomenons, plenty to undertake. And then the career. It is interesting that the cause very easy can be used here, even though equivalence, unambiguity, functionality, really are serious scientific problems, which often are overlooked, even though these problems are rather determining.

You have to understand: The end justifies the means – especially for many ambiguities ones among the ‘The Jesuits of the Time’ for the salvation of the world. This was just a little disgression, but not without importance.A total statement about this theme ought to have a reading of its own. If the fourth power (after or at the same time as the third power) should not be found exactly around these new so-called “scientific-like causal-shows” I should wonder a great deal. The witchcraft at least can contribute to, what David Icke calls the “Something-Have-To-Be-Done-Effect”, which precisely matches Hegel’s Tese-Antitese-Syntese planning-model.It can happen at the same time that essential facts are totally overlooked – the cause can be used, when needed…you know(?) An example from Denmark is The Water Environment Plan. Price 17 Mia. DKr. Several facts were completely overlooked in spite of the fact that you could have learnt in Holland, and could have learnt a little more inorganic chemistry too. This was shown in Jyllands-Posten by our famous patriot from World War II Flemming Juncker.From causal-models the transition first went towards the philosophical society-thinkers.They describe, interpret and seek understanding. With this starting point causal-models are getting insufficient, because the personality can not objectively analyzed.’Marketing’ deals with much more, which is not very central to this reading, the authors also find the market structure monopoly very convenient, if the concerned businesses accordingly work within an international objective.

The theory of behavior is powerful, generally also in the Danish HD-education, and first-rate men lead the arrangement, the lectures, the problems, the seminars and the examination. One of these Professor Flemming Hansen wrote publicly November 21st 1989 and November 6th 1992 that 15 millions ought to live in Denmark. Of these 15 millions – we have near 5,3 millions inhabitants for the moment on our 43. 850 square-kilometers – only half of them need to be individuals which have been born in Denmark, he wrote. The first big transition is to experimental-psychology and Wundt. Wundt was not the end. We have to look at Sartre’s view on the human being, as proposed by the authors of ‘Marketing’.Let us see, if that’s the point, judge yourself: “The anti-racistic racism is not new. It is connected to the intellectual clime of the 1960s and its leading figures, especially Jean-Paul Sartre. With Sartre’s foreword to Frantz Farnon’s book (‘The damned here on Earth’), 1961, “the antiracistic” ideology has been created. Without the background in Sartre “antiracism” of today can not be understood in its specific mechanisms and interior identifications. From Sartre there are a straight line to “SOS-Racism with Bernard-Henry Lévy as an intermediate”, Monica Papazu wrote in Tidehverv No. 8 68th volume, October 1994.Monica Papazu continued: “When Sartre in the foreword to Franz Farnon’s book expresses his “antiracistic” opinion, he happens to show, how the “anti-racism” turns out to be opposite racism, how in take over the contents of the racism. The starting point and the intellectual reasons of Sartre are here “the fight against the racism”, i.e. against “the racism of the whites”. But instead of being pointed against the racism of the white race, the fight is pointed against the white race.What Sartre is representing as contrast to the racism is simply another racism, which in every respect imitates the first one. Contempt corresponds to comtempt, colonization corresponds to colonization, violence corresponds to violence, manslaughter to manslaughter:” “Yesterday you were, Europeans, the masters over the zombies, but “everybody have their turn (…) (today) you are the ones, that are zombies”(p. 13)”…First there only is the violence of the colonialist, but soon their own (the Non-European), that is: the same violence is being thrown back on us, like our reflected image is meeting us, when we walk towards a mirror”(p.16).” …Earlier we were the creators, and now other create history with us as the substance”(p. 24)”…It is our turn, step by step, to set foot on the way that leads to the ‘native’ level. But to become natives, our earth have to be occupied by former colonized” (p. 25)”…We were human beings on his expence, he (the Non-European) make himself a human being on our expense. Another human being: of higher quality” (p. 21). In the reflected image everything return, even the hierarchy of the races will rise again in reverse order, with the European as the inferior race, and The Non-European as a superior race: a human being “of higher quality”.”It is the hate of the races Sartre through a general damnation of the whites (all whites are guilty) explicit urge to. The European colour of the skin (“this fat, pale continent” – p. 22) can not be regarded without hate, when you follow his text”.The sense impression inspires an irresistible hate that only can find its release in the manslaughter: “to shoot an European is to kill two birds with one stone” (…)”: one dead man and one free man are left” (p. 20).

That is Sartre’s internationalism.

“After many years The Language-Reform-Project in France succeeded in 1990. In several decades there has been made progresses to reform the way of spelling (1961-1965, 1976/1977), experiments which has failed – the French did not alter their way of spelling in according to the official instructions, compare among others Journal Officiel, a Report about the way of spelling at The Highest Tribunal of Language directly under The Premier Minister of France”.

“The language is not a meaningless element in the people’s life. It is the people’s life. The question about the language is a question about the nation and its spirit, it is a question about the tradition, and the keeping of the tradition, it is also a question about the new generations, culture and education, the school, it is a question about the relation between nation and the immigrants, and it finally is a question about the character and the borderlines of the political area” (unquote).

Monica Papazu wrote so in her pioneering essay about a new ideology of totalitarian kind, which is ruling in Western Europe today: “Anti-Racism”. Under a humanitarian facade the contents of the two main ideologies in modern times is reformulated in a peculiar mixing: racism and communism. The essay investigates its sources, basic themes, it forms of organization, and its relations to the institutions of the community. The tittle of the essay: The West-European taboo: The National”.

EU- and UN-pedagogy in the year 1996:

You can read how the development has been continued in a French book with the title: “Machiavel Pedagoque” ou le ministere de la réforme psycologique”, by Pascal Bernardin, Edition Notre-Dame des Graces, Paris 1996.French-readers can buy the book in the book-shop:La Joyeuse Garde – 5, rue Fondary – 75015 Paris – France.That there is no chance that this book will be translated to Danish, and be published by an established Danish publisher should following from:

Bitten Kirsti Nielsen, a former translater in EF, wrote this review:

Mind Control and brainwash in the European schools. Is the school-systems becoming a new watch-factor for the European citizens? Pascal Bernardin’s book, which deals with those reforms of education that is making their entry in the schools of EU-nations for instance, are written on the basis of a considerable material of official documents, among those reports from special departments under (UN’s) UNESCO and the European Counsel, which object it is to make scientific readings of programs for actions of promotion of the “New World Order”, and to export psychological technics of manipulation to the UN-members of countries. The book deals with a quite new shape of education including cunning psychological methods of persuasion that have the purpose to change worth-norms and the behavior of the pupils. This happens through role-playing or arranged group-pressure on the single pupil (still through play). Such a working up of the unconsciousness of the pupils that it is, and where unwanted skepticism is analyzed and removed, is called practice of communication (in the language of codes), and it weakens the ability to develop the independent attitude of the child relatively quickly, and it gets the child to react obedient on certain stimulus of propaganda. But there is more.

If we shall believe Bernardin, the result of these kind of education is registered for every child in France on an EDP-Central for whole France as a link in that mind control of the citizens that is undertaken.These technics of manipulation that especially have been tested in USA, have proven very effectively, as they can totally change the behavior of children and get them to react in diametrical contrast to what would be naturally for their religious, moral and political opinion.There is in this abasement of the individual, an introduction of quite new criteria of good and evil, right and wrong that represents itself as being scientific (mine: even scientific like physics and mathematics, as we saw by Wundt and his epigones), and after which the child impart to a new international, multicultural identity in the new society of the world, where the collective comes before the individual. The new worths (of UNESCO, EU and others) shall be promoted, but this is not the only thing. The morals and the worths that were leading the former generations, and that the parents naturally will try to pass on to their children must be blocked, Bernardin writes and refers to the reports of the European Counsel. This breach with the old understanding of right and wrong – the understanding of the parents is exposed to the child, and it is explained away – naturally have to create an transition with moral and social chaos, but from this there will emerge a new order again (as it is quoted in the book from an UNESCO-report) controlled by the state and the international organizations.The book also describes the teaching, that the teachers receive on specially established colleges of teachers in France “Institute universitaire de formation des maître”, which selects teachers that are fit and teaches them in the new norms of worth and psychological technics of manipulation.This comprehensive adaptation of the mind in the schools has crowded out the literary subjects, but also in their area there has been a changing of the teaching methods and the material of teaching. The teaching must no longer be marked by national attitudes, but it has to follow the UN’s standard instructions. This has as you probably know effected the teaching in history that now as a random representation of sporadic events in world history must encourage the cosmopolitan spirit. History must even be rewritten, so that the roots to the past is being cut, and there must be taught in the understanding of internationalism, disarmament, and human rights (my comment: The World’s holy human rights in contrast to the civil rights of freedom that also are called human rights, when they have been written in a good constitution (more below)), as undisputed elements in the new community-supporting ideology. And they also work for a new language.As mentioned is the objective representation of the education substance far from enough in the new education-reform, thought out by UNESCO and others, because knowledge is not deciding any more. The exposures of the book are frightening and it is obvious to ask questions, if it really is accidentally, when young people today leave school without the ability to read and write, or it is the result of the effort to adjust them in the so-called the ‘New World Order’.I wrote in 1991 the explanations especially to the development in criminality. I can be read in another, a little longer version http://www.lilliput-information.com/engm.html.

I hope the reader understand now that all of us may be wiser by opening our eyes and ears and direct our still unspoiled senses not just towards the symptoms, but directly towards the roots of the evil, and then look at the whole root-net in time and space.

How did that begin? 

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