
20. januar 2014


Source: http://www.meforum.org/3718/christian-persecution

Open Doors USA recently released its widely cited 2014 World Watch List – a report that highlights and ranks the 50 worst nations around the globe persecuting Christians.



Her de to første grupperinger. Klik på billedet, få et større og se resten.

Ekstrem forfølgelse

  1. North Korea
  2. Somalia
  3. Syria
  4. Iraq
  5. Afghanistan
  6. Saudi Arabia
  7. Maldives
  8. Pakistan
  9. Iran
  10. Yemen
  11. Sudan
  12. Eritrea
  13. Libya

Alvorlig forfølgelse

  1. Nigeria
  2. Uzbekistan
  3. Central African Rep.
  4. Ethiopia
  5. Vietnam
  6. Qatar
  7. Turkmenistan
  8. Laos
  9. Egypt
  10. Myanmar (Burma)
  11. Brunei
  12. Colombia
  13. Jordan
  14. Oman
  15. India
  16. Sri Lanka
  17. Tunisia
  18. Bhutan
  19. Algeria
  20. Mali
  21. Palestinian Territories
  22. United Arab Emirates
  23. Mauritania
  24. China
  25. Kuwait
  26. Kazakhstan
  27. Malaysia
  28. Bahrain
  29. Comoros
  30. Kenya
  31. Morocco
  32. Tajikistan
  33. Djibouti
  34. Indonesia

The Last Christian in the Middle East?

by Ali Salim
January 20, 2014 at 5:00 am


“The increasing speed with which the Christians of the Middle East are fleeing would suggest that… it is entirely possible that the next time the Pope celebrates Mass in Bethlehem, he will be the last Christian in the Middle East.

The fact, like it or not, is that under the rule of the Jews in Israel, the Christian and Muslim communities live in complete security and have absolute freedom of worship. Churches are not burned. Mosques are not burned.

In some places, such as Myanmar, Muslims are indeed being grievously victimized (by Buddhists), and these abuses should not be tolerated…”

27. marts 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2013

Source: http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3641/muslim-persecution-of-christians-january-2013

“Egypt: A court sentenced an entire family – Nadia Mohamed Ali and her seven children – to fifteen years in prison for converting to Christianity.

The year 2013 began with reports indicating that wherever Christians live side by side with large numbers of Muslims, the Christians are under attack. As one report said, “Africa, where Christianity spread fastest during the past century, now is the region where oppression of Christians is spreading fastest.” Whether in Kenya, Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, Sudan, or Tanzania—attacks on Christians are as frequent as they are graphic…”

21. oktober 2012

Hvordan koptiske, kristne småpiger sælges til tvangsindoktrinering i koranskoler

Hvordan koptiske kristne kvinder og unge piger sælges til tvangsindoktrinering i koranskoler:

Foto: Diese jungen Christen wurden zwangsislamisiert


8. august 2012

Nigeria: Atter 19 kristne dræbt

Filed under: Crimes, Culture, Education, Free Speech, Islam, Jihad, Terror — Tags: , , — Jørn @ 17:14

Ved en massakre i en evangelsk kirke i Nigeria er mindst 19 mennesker blevet dræbt.

Mere herom: http://www.pi-news.net/2012/08/nigeria-wieder-19-tote-bei-attentat-auf-christen/