
25. april 2008

My sisters EU-point of view – or on men of the hour

22.9 p.c. wage rise to the members of the Danish Parliament of course while the striking claim 15 p.c. You have to take into account that former Danish Minister of Finances Thor Pedersen in prime time informed us that Denmark owned almost the whole world. The politician-issued false money in the housing market and the 12.8 p.c. wage rise (over three years) till then were certainly good enough reasons for the prices to increase 13.4 p.c. the last year, when the state-debt suddenly had not gone zip after all – it was a lie to get inflation really started after his retirement as a chairman. This information did not even reached the electronic media.

Its a matter of priority, you see.

The press also forgot to inform the Danish voters on the Lisbon-Treaty, and so did the new smoking Minister of Finances. He also forgot to pay dkk. 683 for his unlegal smoking, and that had to be debated in the papers instead of the coming dictatorship. It certainly can be explained, just calm down. If he had let the tax-payers pay for his smoking and drinking during the working hours people could have got an impression of some kind of unsolidarity.

And that has to have highest priority, you see, Don’t you?

Sonia’s sister

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